当地时间12月4日,海辰储能Hi Society智利合作伙伴大会在圣地亚哥成功举办。会议同期,海辰储能正式加入智利可再生能源和储能协会(ACERA),并带来最新∞ Block系列液冷储能系统产品方案。此次大会汇集了本地行业专家和客户伙伴,共同分享探讨智利可再生能源与储能应用发展。
基于在储能领域掌握的关键技术与丰富实践,本次大会上,海辰储能应用工程总监Neil Bradshaw发表《新一代5MWh ∞ Block系列液冷储能系统产品方案》的主题演讲,与现场来宾分享海辰储能产品技术与成功实践经验。
Hi Society 现场
On December 4th in Santiago, Chile, HiTHIUM “Hi Society” networking event was successfully held. During this event, HiTHIUM has become a member of Chilean Association for Renewable Energies and Storage, ACERA AG (hereinafter ACERA), and brought the latest 5MWh “∞ Block” container system and its latest product innovations. This event brought together local industry experts and customers to share and discuss the development of clean energy and energy storage applications in Chile.
Facing the main challenges of upgrading energy storage and transmission capacity, Chile keeps promoting the transition of renewable energy from a supplement to the power system to a major source of electricity generation. According to ACERA, 6,950 MW of renewable energy and energy storage projects are currently under construction in Chile, including 2,930 MW of combined photovoltaic and energy storage.
Keynote Speech
Based on the key technologies and rich practices in energy storage, Neil Bradshaw, Director of Application Engineering of HiTHIUM, delivered a keynote speech on HiTHIUM's new 5MWh ∞ Block container to share product technologies and experiences with the guests.
During this event, HiTHIUM had a signing ceremony with ACERA and became a member of this association. ACERA is a non-profit trade association founded in 2003. ACERA's mission is to connect stakeholders in the renewable energy market and promote the development of various technologies related to renewable energy and energy storage, contributing to the transition to clean energy in Chile.
This time, by joining ACERA, HiTHIUM aims to unite the strengths of all partners, working together to promote the development of Chile's clean energy economy and contribute to the global clean energy transition with HiTHIUM's high quality products and solutions.
Mizhi Zhang, Head of Global Business of HiTHIUM, said, “In recent years, Chile has experienced remarkable growth in renewable energy and has one of the highest market development potentials in Latin America. With a shared vision of developing renewable energy, ACERA and HiTHIUM will continue to work together with more and more industry partners to develop Chile's energy storage industry".
“Hi Society” networking event
HiTHIUM takes Chile as a key market in its global strategic layout, and will accelerate local business expansion and operation service construction. This event is not only a platform to deepen the communication and exchange of partnership, but also the beginning and prospect of accelerating the integration between HiTHIUM and Chile energy storage market. HiTHIUM will continuously work together with partners, with more professional and reliable BESS products, and help realize the transition to renewable energy in the Latin American region.
原文始发于微信公众号(海辰储能 HiTHIUM):共话净零拉美,海辰储能Hi Society智利合作伙伴大会成功召开